Rev. Ashley Allen is the pastor of Oakton UMC
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Thank you.
Sunday Morning Worship
We now have in-person worship with limited seating:
We will social distance and wear masks during our time together.
Please fill out the Health Acknowledgement form when you come.
Please sign up at:
Join us online for Sunday morning worship services:
Sunday Worship happens on YouTube at 10:00 a.m. Live-stream
Come together with us for online Worship each Sunday at 10 AM! The service will be available on both Facebook and YouTube (see links below) starting at 10 AM Sunday morning!
We no longer need a new link for each week and you should not get an error if you try to get to either page earlier than when the video is available, you’ll just have to wait for it to appear in the list of available videos – each week will have the date in the title so you know you are watching the correct week.Oakton UMC YouTube Channel: - come to the channel and look for this week’s worship service.
Past videos are available there if you missed on or would like to watch it again! If you subscribe to the channel you can be notified each time a new video is available!Oakton UMC Facebook Page:
The link will not be live until Sunday at 10:00 a.m.
You can Give online at our Secure site:
New Sermon Series
02/14 True Love 1 Corinthians 13:1-8
To be made in the image of God is to be made with the capacity to love. Our lives are filled with various types of relationships in which we express love. In his letter to Corinth, Paul breaks down for us what true love is like.
New Series: Final Words from the Cross (from Adam Hamilton’s book)
In this study by Adam Hamilton, we will look further at the 7 most significant statements to our salvation. Each week we will explore one of Jesus’ statements from the cross and how it intersects with our experience.
02/17 Ash Wednesday
Service online at 7:00 p.m. with the imposition of ashes
(online: join us on Youtube or Facebook-pick up ashes in the bin outside the church office)
02/21 Who is “them”? Luke 23:32-34
While hanging on the cross, enduring terrible suffering, Christ’s thoughts were on us. This week we will reflect on what Jesus’ forgiveness of his executioners has to do with us.
02/28 Ask and Receive Luke 23:35-43
There is nothing unforgivable in the eyes of God. All we have to do is ask. When we are willing to humble ourselves and admit our failings, we receive a great gift.
03/07 “Behold Your son, Behold Your Mother” John 19:25-27
03/14 Feeling Forsaken Matthew 27:45-47
Jesus called out to God when he felt abandoned in his suffering.
What do you do when you feel like God has gone quiet?
03/21 “I Thirst” John 19:28-29
Jesus called out for what he needed, and his plea was met with ill will. This week we will reflect on how we can handle those moments when our vulnerability and good intention is not received.
03/28 The Road Less Traveled Matthew 21:1-9
Palm Sunday
The path Jesus walked was one that no one else has walked. A path of suffering born out of deep love. This week we will journey with Jesus into Jerusalem in victory and then toward the cross in anticipation of what is to come.
Holy Thursday
04/02 “It is Finished” John 19:17-30
Good Friday
04/04 Surprise! Luke 24:1-8
New Series: Count to Ten
For many the 10 Commandments are one of the first things learned about the Bible. We memorize the top ten and we remember to follow these “rules” but in this series we will look further at why God gave these specific rules to Moses and how they might serve as guideposts to help us experience a good and beautiful life.
04/11 Honoring God Exodus 20:1-7
The first few commandments are very clear. But why? Why does God want to be first and how can we live in a way that puts God first?
04/18 Honoring Others Exodus 20:12-17
The majority of the commandments are about others. All that we “should not” do so that we don’t harm someone else. This week we will explore more about these commandments, how and why they came to be and what they mean in our context today.
04/25 Honoring Self Exodus 20:8-11
We’ve looked at what we’re supposed to do in our relationships. This week we will look further at why God includes a commandment that’s all about us in the “top ten”.
New Series: Stronger
05/02 Starting Point Psalm 111
One part of the Bible tells us to fear God. But another part tells us to fear not. Which is it? How are we meant to stand strong in the midst of our fear when we must also fear God?
05/09 Vulnerability Joshua 2:8-16
Sharing your real life with others takes a lot of courage. It leaves you vulnerable and can affect how others think and feel about you. What if vulnerability, especially within a community is exactly what will break down walls and strengthen relationships for the purpose of engaging in a shared mission.
05/16 Living in the Uncontrollable Joshua 1:1-9
Our world is in turmoil. Watching the news can leave us feeling fearful, void of control and even paralyzed. Christ came so that we might live abundantly, but in our current world climate that seems difficult for many of us. What does Joshua offer us so that we might find ways to experience the fullness of life intended for us even in the uncontrollable and unpredictable?
05/23 Endurance Joshua 1:10-18
The path can be winding, and we can run out of steam. This week we will hear Joshua’s famous words and consider how we may be sustained whatever may happen.
New Series: Renew
5/30 Renew: My Life
6/6 Renew: My Home
6/13 Renew: My Future
6/20 Youth Sunday